This work was inspired by a heated social phenomenon in China -- matchmaking corner. Targeted on single urbanites, an AR application based on a mask device was design to improve blind date experience and make matchmaking more efficient and intelligent.
Graduate School of Design, Mdes Mediums
Group of 3: Aria Xiying Bao, Davide Zhang, Nix Liu Xin
My contribution:
Ideation, Interaction Design, Prototyping & Development, Video producing
The information ecology has gradually surpassed equipment and physical space with the development of technology. Even with the emerging popularity of mixed-reality experiences today, screen space, AR space, and physical space have been in relative isolation. Digital content is limited by the existing small screen, zero mobility, and low communication between devices. Physical objects are also limited to the low efficiency of transferring them into digital content for productivity. Extended reality living will become the future trend that bridges screen-based content and physical objects. XR is a feasible approach for performing cross-spaces productivity work, albeit currently constrained by technical limitations that lead to inferior usability and performance compared to physical monitors.
Despite the variety of device types and screen sizes, our experience rests on a handful of touch gestures (swiping, pinching, tapping) that act as the backbone of mobile interactions today. Gestural interfaces are highly cinemagic, rich with action and graphical possibilities. Additionally, they fit the stories of remote interactions that are becoming more and more relevant in the real world as remote technologies proliferate.
In light of the growing prevalence of commercial stereoscopic 3D displays, we seek to explore the 3D equivalent of the foundational touch gestures as well as the interface across different spaces. We conduct our design research by answering the following questions: What are the foundational 3D interactions of a mixed-reality future? What are the ways through which the boundaries between spaces can be blurred? It is necessary that XR interfaces should allow for additional interactions with virtual objects, which should not only enable natural and intuitive interaction with them, but also it should help to provide seamless interactions between real and virtual objects at the same time.
In this regard, our research creates a vocabulary of first-person gestural interactions within the AR context and assigns meanings to such interactions for certain scenarios. There are four analogues for the structure of interaction languages. At level one, the existing single gestures, namely words, constitute the foundation for information architecture . By combining different single gestures with certain logic, we come to level two where we have chains of gestural commands, that is, phrases. In level three, we assign meanings to these grestual commands in universal scenarios. We finally select and curate some of the meanings to create narratives in AR living in level four.
This research aims to investigate how to interact with cross-space objects in XR, and how to seamlessly transition between hand gestures for conflict-free 3D digital content arrangement. We study the cross-space object interactions among screen space, AR space and physical space. In terms of screen-AR interaction, specifically, we enable cross-device object manipulation between screen and AR space. When it comes to AR-physical interaction, we design gesture-based 3D scanning that transmits physical objects into AR elements. Our demo also investigates the potential of extracting and recognizing materials from physical objects, which serve as elements for AR space creation. Lastly, within the AR context, we define gestures for object manipulation, switching and deletion that open up dialogue for alternative XR interaction design.
We considered the following design factors that we have taken into account for our hand gesture interaction techniques. In addition, Bezerianos & Balakrishnan present various design goals for object selection and manipulation in remote locations. Consistency and minimal physical movement are examples of this. In our study, we focus on exploring hand gesture interaction techniques for cross-space content manipulation tasks.
One challenge when interacting with digital content across the spaces is how to transit seamlessly between these three spaces without conflicts. This means, for example, that screen-based content selection should not be triggered when a user is manipulating an object in the AR space.
Consistency and seamlessness
Cross-space tasks should be considered when investigating and evaluating the interaction techniques. The transition between two spaces will lead to transition of interaction techniques. Thus, it's vital for cross-space interaction techniques to be seamless, fluent and low effort especially when the user is completing a long chain of manipulation tasks. For example, a user manipulates the material ball in AR space after he/she indicates and extracts the materials in the real world.
Input combination
We made use of a combination of gesture-based input and raycast pointers to offer a balance between intuitive use and precision,
Low effort
Hand-gestures provide a universal and lower effort input mechanism than controllers. Physical affordances and metaphors are leveraged in designing interactions.
We used Oculus Quest 2, Zed Mini, and Leap Motion to develop the interaction system. Oculus Quest 2 is a head-mounted display device that has a small display optic in front of each eye. It can track head movement and change view point following it. Zed Mini is a depth camera that includes stereo-IMU, inside-out tracking and spatial awareness. Leap Motion is an in-air controller that can track the hand gesture of the user. The software was implemented in Unity3D.
To complete the technical pipeline, we set up a second in-game camera in Unity3D calibrated to the real-world computer monitor to allow for objects to transition out of the screen space to AR space. Hand-tracking from Leap Motion is also calibrated to match the real hands coming from Zed Mini’s stereo camera feed.
To see how virtual objects fit in the real space
As mentioned above, ray-casting is a grabbing technique where a light ray extends from the user’s palm. By intersecting an object with this ray and pinching the fingers, the object is attached to the ray (Figure 3). Users can then manipulate the object easily using wrist or arm motion. In our implementation scenario, the user raycast to the table on the screen and pinch to position it out of the screen into the real world so that the user can get a sense of how virtual objects fit in the real space.
Select virtual object
Point and select the object through raycasting
Drag the object out of screen space into real space
Envisioning a seamless transition between multiple realities
To manipulate a virtual copy of a physical object
3D scanning is already a developed technology nowadays. We propose that this technology combining AR will make the 3D scanning process more intuitive and efficient, as users can directly look at the object that they desire to scan and the scan result at the same time. The user first selects the ‘Scan’ function on the hand menu. By palm-pointing with five fingers close together, the user 3D-scan a real object and make a digital copy of it in AR space.
Scan a physical object
Using a hand gesture that mimics a scanning motion
A digital twin appears ready to be manipulated
Allowing seamless digital manipulations of physical objects
To manipulate a virtual copy of a physical object
Two hands moving apart diagonally while pinching is often a metaphor for opening things up. We propose “pull” as the gesture to explode a 3D object in AR space. In our implementation scenario, the user is exploding the chair to have a closer look at the product’s structure details. When the user moves the two hands closer while pinching, the exploded chair is manipulated back to its original state.
Exploding gesture
Hands pulling away from each other diagonally
Digital object exploded to reveal its structural components
Exploding according to the gesture movements
Extracting material from the real space and applying them to a digital chair to customize it
Applying materials is a common function in 3D rendering and the product design process. The process of obtaining a material that mimics the real object is not intuitive and efficient enough. In our implementation, we propose that users can directly search for and extract materials from real world objects, and transform it into digital content for further AR-based and screen-based creation. The user uses an ‘OK’ sign gesture that mimics a magnifier to indicate texture on a real object. The vision inside the magnifier will be scaled up for the user to have a detailed look. We give the user the feeling of magic as such an effect cannot be achieved in real life. We use dwell time of three seconds as confirmation technique so that the interaction process will not be interrupted. During the dwell time, a loading animation would prompt up around the magnifier to indicate the confirmation process. After the material is confirmed, a material ball will be generated beside the user’s hand. At the same time, the magnifier in the finger circle will disappear. Then, the user uses ‘grab to manipulate’ that mentioned above to position the material ball onto the digital object. We use dwell time again for applying confirmation when the material ball collides with the object. At the same time, the object is being applied with the material as a preview for decision making. After three seconds of collision, the material is successfully applied to the object.
Extract real-world material
Gesturing a magnifying glass to locate and extract real-world materials
Digital object customized with real-world material
Move the material ball created from the real-world material and apply it to the virtual object
Flip through a catalogue of digital objects
Swipe is a widely used gesture in the current user interaction field. We deploy swipe as a gesture technique for the user to switch between selections in AR space.
Switch between different objects in a catalogue
Swiping gesture
Cycle through objects in-place
Switch between different catalogues of a certain object.
Deleting a virtual object
Point and shoot
Gesture mimicking a gun to indicate which object to delete.
Virtual object disintegrates
Object will be deleted with an explosion.
Grab to manipulate
Use five-fingers-grasp to grab a near object.
Raycast and Pinch
Use palm pointing to indicate target object, then use pinch gesture to grab a distant object.
Magnify and Extract
Use gesture that mimics a magnifier to indicate texture on real object.
Use palm-pointing with five fingers close together to 3d-scan a real object.
Point and shoot
Flip to show menu
Flip the left hand to show a menu anchored to it
Press a button
Use finger to press a virtual button on the menu
Pull to explode
Pull both hands away from each other diagonally to explode the object
Our research presents a novel set of gesture-based interaction techniques for object manipulation. They expand upon previous work that leverage physical affordances into AR interaction by offering gesture-based texture extraction, 3D scanning, exploding and so forth. Moreover, existing pipelines for transferring assets between screen space, AR space, and physical space require a steep learning curve and specific knowledge of 3D file formats and software export/import options. We aim to address that by breaking down the boundaries between these spaces utilizing gesture-based interaction.
For near future work, we plan to conduct a within-subjects user study to investigate the elaborated sets of interaction techniques for cross-space content manipulation tasks. Since a seamless set of hand gesture interaction techniques for cross-space content selection and manipulation has not been evaluated before, we are particularly interested in finding more about the practicality and consistency of the proposed techniques for these interaction tasks. For this, we design cross-level tasks with varied target sizes and respective destination areas to investigate whether the combined interaction techniques bring seamless transition between different spaces.
We mainly aim to receive both qualitative and quantitative user feedback to gain further insights into hand gesture interaction for cross-space workspace tasks. As a result, the goal of this evaluation was not to beat a certain baseline, but rather to see how people cope with the newly developed approaches for completing a given cross-space content manipulation task.
For a long term future plan, we aim to establish a database platform that collects XR hand gesture catalogs. This platform aims to provide reference for universal XR user experience design. We build this platform to allow for XR UX design community development among artistic, industrial, and academic usage.