Musicraft is a VR music game and content creation platform that empowers you to create your own music as well as build your own experienceable architecture. Featuring fantastical architectural visuals, professional music tracks, Musicraft delivers a brand new audio-visual experience.
Each block stands for one kind of audio track in out game scene. Player intuitively manipulate the block to preview, add and delete the track. The blocks are modeled in a modular fashion to allow for multiple ways of snapping, thus enabling a holistic interial space where player can enter.
After completing the composition, the player can have an immersive experience by walking around the built architecture while enjoying the music composition. The open-ended creative process illustrates a dynamic, non-linear, unpredictable structure with infinite potential.
Musicraft enables non-professional user to create their own music as well as build their own architecture in VR world. It is a game and tool for 3D creation and music production.
By empowering player to build their own architecture and music composition, Musicraft provides educational meaning through gamified experience for all ages.
Ultimately, BlockBeats provides a platform where players from all over the world create, share and connect through music and architectural art.